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Share Your Story

The Coalition believes in the power of truth-telling through narratives. We are collecting stories from impacted individuals to promote change. Through our love letters, videos, and documentary filming, we provide the community with three platforms to educate and share their truths with the public.

Love Letters

These are heartfelt letters from parents or relatives to children who have been adopted through the child welfare system. Each letter includes a message and pictures that speak to the remaining love and connection. These letters will be sent virtually to the Coalition's website subscribers and shared on social media. The letters will counter the false narrative that children adopted out of the child welfare industry were unloved or unwanted, exposing the truth that they were stolen from their families and communities.

Unbroken Bonds

These are 3-minute videos from parents and or relatives of children who have been adopted through the child welfare system. Through these videos, families can share love, memories, and hope, providing a lifeline of emotional support during difficult times. The Unbroken Bonds project believes in the power of love and resilience, creating a space where stories of hope, strength, and enduring bonds are shared, even in the face of separation and pain.

Inherited Scars

Impacted Individual’s Stories of Generational Trauma from Foster Care. This ongoing mini-documentary project focuses on interviewing parents who are currently navigating the child welfare system and who themselves experienced foster care as children or youth. The documentary aims to shed light on the cyclical nature of trauma caused by family policing, revealing how current child welfare policies perpetuate generational harm and calling for the abolishment of this terrible industry.

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Phone: 720-653-4372

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